A Vibrant company with rich history SRAVAN SHIPPING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a ISO 9001-2008 certified company with ratings "NSIV - CRISIL RATING OF NSIC - CRISIL IA on March 22, 2013 for "Highest Performance capacity and High Financial Strength" established at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, in August 1997 with a seed capital of Rs. 5 lakhs . Visakhapatnam was chosen as a strategic location as there is a NATURAL PORT. The port is a natural gate way to the vast industrial market of the Far East countries too. Major imports of coal, crude oil, Project Machinery Cargo, Fertilizers and other POL products arrive in this port and exports of mineral and metals We have a large customer base covering various industries like Fertilizers, Fertilizer raw materials, Chemicals and Pharma, Food grains, Coal, Iron Ore, Steel, Cement, Petroleum products, Sugar etc., and has specialized in handling bulk cargo at VIZAG PORT, and KAKINADA PORT and containerized cargo at Visakha Container Terminal Private Limited, Visakhapatnam.
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